Gadget Quote

///Gadget Quote
Gadget Quote2024-11-18T15:22:59+00:00
1000's Trust Us
100% Secure Payment
24/7 Claims Helpline
100's of Devices Covered
Cover Option Filters

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Your Communication Preferences

We'd love to send you exclusive offers and the lastest info on insurance and financial services from us by email, post, SMS, phone and other electronic means. We'll always treat you personal details with the utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes. You can change your preferences at any time and full details of how to do that will be emailed to you. Finally, when we say 'us' we include Nova Direct and PEX insure (Policy Excess Insure Limited).


The default policy state date is set to today. If you need your cover to start at a later date please change the start date by selecting a different date.

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Cardholders Address

Please enter the address for the cardholder below. This should be the full address for the person who's card is used to make this payment.

Bank Details

Your Agreement

Please tick the two boxes below to confirm acceptance of the Nova Direct Terms & Conditions, the Nova Direct Gadget Insurance Policy Wording. By ticking these boxes you are certifying that have read and understood the key policy terms and conditions.

Key Terms & Conditions

- You are over the age of 18, a resident of the United Kingdom. The gadget is in your possession, purchased and owned by you, in good working order and free from damage.

- You must complete the gadget validation process within 7 days of purchase or before a claim is made, whichever comes first. Full details are provided in the Policy Wording. You may validate your gadget after the 7 day period subject to a late validation fee. Failure to do so will impact any claim.

- Where a claim is made part way through the policy term and you are paying your premium on a monthly basis any outstanding monthly payments must be paid prior to making a claim.

- The product you have bought is what we call a non-advised product, which means that all the information is available to you on the website with self-service features being available to you online. You agree to self-administer your product online reading all available information before you complete an action.

- Gadget Insurance claims require several forms of evidence, with some being required within a strict timeframe, which are noted in your Policy Wording. Please familiarise yourself with these. You must report Your claim to the Claims Administrator within 48 hours of any incident.

View Cancellation and Refund Policy

A cancellation administration fee of £9.98 is payable to cancel your policy regardless of time on cover. All cancellation requests must be completed online, via our Customer Services section or your account, and will only be processed upon receipt of the cancellation administration fee. If cancellation is requested within 14 days of purchase, and no claim (regardless of outcome) has been made, then a refund of the policy premium is due. Short term policies, of 30 days or less, we will refund the premium minus any time on cover. If cancellation is made after 14 days then no refund, pro-rota or otherwise, is due. For further information, please check your Policy Wording, Fee and Charges Guide and our Terms of Business.

View Data Protection Statement

Your Nova Direct Policy is arranged by Policy Excess Insure Ltd t/a Nova Direct and is administrated by Policy Excess Insure Ltd. Further assistance is provided by Policy Excess Insure (PTY) Ltd. By continuing with the purchase of your policy you are confirming that consent has been given to us that your personal data maybe shared between the group structure for the purposes of arranging and administering your policy. PEX Insure and The Claims Manager, a trading name of Bumble Bee Essex Limited, are the authorised claims handlers and service providers.

View Renewal Process

Nova Direct will email you before your renewal date giving you full details of your renewal, including the premium for the year. Providing none of your details have changed, you won’t need to do a thing as your policy will automatically renew. To ensure continuation of cover, and according to your Continuous Payment Authority which you granted to us, your card will be charged up to 7 days prior to the expiry of your policy. Should your card decline we will contact you to gain payment of your renewal premium. If we fail to obtain your renewal premium payment then upon expiry of your policy, your policy will lapse and no cover will be in place. There is no charge for opting out of our auto-renewal process. Short term, single trip European policies are not automatically renewing.


Please, do not refresh this window. At Nova Direct we take your data protection seriously and use 3D secure in conjunction with verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. You may be asked additional payment questions such as password or a One Time Password, sent via SMS.

Gadget Insurance Quote

We offer 3 levels of gadget insurance tailored to suit your needs, whether that be instant cover is required or you want to pay your annual premium monthly. Our gadget insurance cover plans are detailed below including the policy benefit for each level of cover. Compare our levels of gadget insurance and get a Nova Direct gadget insurance quote today. Get your gadget insurance quote today.